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What to do if you are experiencing technical obstacles during your interview

Support @ Tengai avatar
Written by Support @ Tengai
Updated over a week ago

If you are experiencing problems starting your interview, you are welcome to contact our support. You are also welcome to contact us using our chat function on the website between 8 am to 5 pm every day. Our support will reply as fast as possible.

To chat with a Tengai representative for support, look for this symbol in the bottom right corner here and on the platform.


What can I do myself?

To make sure your device is prepared for the interview:

  • Make sure to activate your microphone

  • Make sure to activate your camera

  • Make sure to use a charged device

  • Make sure to have a stable internet connection

  • We recommend downloading the Teams app to your device

  • We recommend using headphones

The robot cannot hear me, what can I do?

If the robot is not able to hear your answers during your interview, you might be muted. Make sure to unmute yourself in Teams. Your microphone status shall look like this. If you are unmuted and the robot still cannot hear you, you may need to change the sound settings on your device.

I did not hear the question, what can I do?

If you do not hear the question, ask Tengai to repeat it and you will be able to hear it again.

I need more time to think before I answer, what can I do?

If you need time to think before you answer, let Tengai know by saying something like - Can I have time to think?

I got interrupted meanwhile answering a question, what can I do?

If you get interrupted when answering the question, try to not get stressed. Tengai will probably ask you to complete your answer at the end of the current question.

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